Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's an Orff???

Every Thursday afternoon afterschool, a group of 3rd graders meet in the music room to sing, dance, and play instruments.  They are the Sage Orff Ensemble.

I've been waiting for this question, but it taken a number of months until finally someone asked this afternoon, "What's an Orff?"

Orff Schulwerk is an approach to music and movement education.  It's namesake is Carl Orff, famous composer known for "Carmina Burana."  As I told the Ensemble today, the way we learn pieces by ear first, and then add notation, is an example of an influence of my Orff Schulwerk training.  Ensembles that use traditional Orff Schulwerk instruments, like the xylophones, recorders, and drums, are often called Orff ensembles.

The pieces that the ensemble plays are in an elemental style.  Elemental music is pattern-based music built on natural speech and body rhythms, familiar melodic patterns, and simple forms that can be learned, created, understood, and performed without extensive technical or theoretical musical training (Nick Wild, 2004.)

The Orff Ensemble will perform afterschool later in the Spring, and may also make an appearance at Sage International Night in February.

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