Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gearing up for next year

As the end of August approaches, Ms. Bazinet, Ms. Stewart and I are busy getting ready for the start of the new school year.

We chose this year's Arts theme shortly after the start of LAST year.  After we thought of it, we knew it was a great theme.  In some ways, it's a continuation of last year's theme, which was water.  Expanding from this one element to all the other elements of our planet seems like a natural extension, and an opportunity for rich connections over these two years.  I loved watching Juniors build snow sculptures, and dance like thunderstorms.  And creating rhythms and new timbres from pools of water has been one of my favorite Sage experiences.

So, this year's theme?  eARTh.  I can't wait to see students struggle with ambiguity, build community, and find alternate modes of expression through the lens of the eARTh around us.